Chemical Reagents
Potassium hydrogen carbonateCOA Report
  • CAS No.:298-14-6
  • Molecular weight:100.12
  • Aliases:Potassium bicarbonate
  • Molecular formula:KHCO3
  • EC No.:206-059-0
  • HS-No:28364000
Specification category:
Product No. Product name specifications
1.01765.020 Potassium hydrogen carbonate AR500g
1.01765.030 Potassium hydrogen carbonate CP500g
1.01765.040 Potassium hydrogen carbonate CP25kg
1.01765.050 Potassium hydrogen carbonate Spec25kg
1.01765.070 Potassium hydrogen carbonate AR25kg
1.01765.080 Potassium hydrogen carbonate AR25kg
Characteristic: Appearance and properties: Colorless,odorless,salty,transparent crystal or white powder.
Relative density: 2.17(water=1)(20℃)
Melting point(℃): 100~120(decomposition)
Concentration: Pure
Solubility: Soluble in water,insoluble in ethanol.
Technical indicators:
Item AR CP
Assay(KHCO3) ≥99.5% ≥99.0%
pH-value(50g/L solution,25℃) ≤8.6 ≤8.6
Clarity of solution Pass4 Pass6
Insoluble matter in water ≤0.002% ≤0.01%
Chloride and chlorate(as Cl) ≤0.005% ≤0.01%
Sulfate(as SO4) ≤0.005% ≤0.01%
Total nitrogen(N) ≤0.001%v≤0.002%
Phosphate(PO4) ≤0.002%v≤0.005%
Silicate(SiO4) ≤0.005% ≤0.01%
Sodium(Na) ≤0.02% ≤0.05%
Magnesium(Mg) ≤0.003% ≤0.005%
Aluminum(Al) ≤0.002% ≤0.005%
Calcium(Ca) ≤0.003% ≤0.01%
Iron(Fe) ≤0.0005% ≤0.001%
Heavy metals(as Pb) ≤0.0005% ≤0.002%
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