Chemical Reagents
Potassium hexacyanoferrate(Ⅱ) trihydrateCOA Report
  • CAS No.:14459-95-1
  • Molecular weight:422.39
  • Aliases:Potassium ferrocyanide
  • Molecular formula:K4Fe(CN)6·3H2O
  • EC No.:237-722-2
  • HS-No:28372000
Specification category:
Product No. Product name specifications
1.01867.010 Potassium hexacyanoferrate(Ⅱ) trihydrate AR500g
1.01867.020 Potassium hexacyanoferrate(Ⅱ) trihydrate CP500g
1.01867.030 Potassium hexacyanoferrate(Ⅱ) trihydrate AR25kg
Characteristic: Appearance and properties: Lime monoclinic crystal.
Relative density: 1.853(water=1)(17℃)
Melting point(℃): 70(-3H2O)
Solubility: Soluble in water,insoluble in ethanol and ether.
Technical indicators:
Item AR CP
Assay{K4(Fe(CN)6)·3H2O} ≥99.5% ≥98.5%
Insoluble matter in water ≤0.005% ≤0.01%
Chloride(Cl) ≤0.005% ≤0.02%
Sulfate(SO4) ≤0.005% ≤0.01%
Sodium(Na) ≤0.02% --
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